International Architecture Yearbook №6 2000 г Суперобложка, 256 стр ISBN 1 875498 27 3, 1 8647006 6 1 Язык: Английский Формат: 230x310 Мелованная бумага, Цветные иллюстрации инфо 13801d.

In volume six of this series, over 120 projects from around the world are featured, displaying the best in architectural design from over 100 architectural firms with reviews by well known and highly respectedатиио architectural writers and critics Among the architectural firms whose work is schowcased are: Architecture Studio; Centerbrook Architects & Planners; Fox & Fowle Architects; HKS Inc; Skidmore Owings & Merrill Int'l; Studios Architecture; plus many, many бгзздmore This 256-page, hard cover, beautifully crafted book features over 450 stunning full-color photographs, informative plans and detailed text The contents are divided by the following project types for easy reference: Corporate, Educational, Institutional, Public, Recreational, Residential, Retail and many others A comprehensive index lists the projects by name in alphabetical order Иллюстрации.

  Кухонный комбайн
  Универсальный измельчитель
  Электронные весы
  Электрическая мясорубка
  Микроволновая печь
  Электрическая плитка
  Машинка для стрижки
  Фен для волос