The English House Издательство: Antique Collectors Club Dist A/C, Antique Collectors Club, Ltd , 2007 г Суперобложка, 400 стр ISBN 1-85149-523-1, 978-1-85149-523-8 Язык: инфо 13803d.

The English House reviews the changes in style that can be seen in domestic architecture in England from Norman times to the present day Written for the interested layman rather than only for the architecturaатзетl historian, it is how the house and its rooms were used and the way in which owners past and present lived in these properties which is the main subject of this book The book is divided into fifteen chapters by date from 1000 to 2000 AD Within each period the main cбгжуиharacteristics of the houses are analysed and examples discussed and illustrated, concentrating both on well-known and less familiar structures Starting with Norman houses, an introduction describes how the rooms in such houses were used and embellished and this is followed by a chapter dealing with early mediaeval buildings, showing how local variations can be recognised The third chapter deals with the high mediaeval period and is followed by Tudor, Elizabethan and Jacobean housesбожол A chapter is devoted to the Carolean peri Иллюстрации Авторы John Steel John Steel Майкл Райт Michael Wright.

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