Foundations of Interior Design Издательство: Fairchild Publications, Inc , 2005 г Твердый переплет, 520 стр ISBN 1563672863, 978-1563672866 Язык: Английский инфо 13817d.

"Foundations of Interior Design" introduces readers to the creative, technical, and business skills required by the career on which they are about to embark The service approach focuses on creating атийиsafe, comfortable, aesthetically pleasing spaces for residential and contract clients and addresses the current concerns of the design process, sustainability, universal design, and adaptive reuse Works of professionally-trained interior designers and students richly бгззоillustrate the stages of the design process A variety of engaging presentations on the accompanying CD-ROM reinforce readers understanding and appreciation of the subject Автор Susan J Slotkis.

  Кухонный комбайн
  Универсальный измельчитель
  Электронные весы
  Электрическая мясорубка
  Микроволновая печь
  Электрическая плитка
  Машинка для стрижки
  Фен для волос