Редактор: Пол Дункан Jack Nicholson was over thirty, and more than a decade into his acting career, when Easy Rider finally made him a star His reputation as a rebellious anti-hero was furthered by thатззюree notorious confrontations in films of the 1970s: Five Easy Pieces, The Last Detail, and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest He has played villains in The Shining and Batman, a hot-headed marine colonel in A Few Good Men, and a ruthless mob boss in The Departed Howeverбгжуя, some of his best performances are in less showy roles where his skill is conveyed through subtlety Jack has often turned down big money parts in order to take riskier roles such as the grim, introverted men in Ironweed, The Crossing Guard, The Pledge, and About Schmidt Undoubtedly, Nicholson is a very fine actor, and in Chinatown he gives what may be his most memorable performance Формат: 14,5 см x 20 cм Иллюстрации Автор Дуглас Кейси Douglas Keesey.